Forney Fire Station Number 2 Grand Opening
At approximately 11 a. m. Saturday, ceremonies marked the opening and dedication of Forney F9re Station No. 2 on Reeder Road.
At approximately 11 a. m. Saturday, ceremonies marked the opening and dedication of Forney F9re Station No. 2 on Reeder Road.
On Saturday, Apr. 1, Mayor Rick Wilson, members of the Forney City Council and various county and state officials conducted a ribbon-cutting to mark the completion of Gateway Blvd.
The semi-annual blood drive hosted by Brooklyn Lodge #386, AF&AM last Saturday at Walmart had a great turnout, according to lodge spokesman Tim Simmons.
Join us in commemora ing the opening of Gateway Blvd. and Fire Station No. 2 at 9:30 a. m. on April 1. Everyone is welcome to attend both ribbon cuttings.
Forney resident Darlene Cates, who starred as Gilbert’s mom in the film What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? died Sunday morning in her sleep, according to family. She was 69.
During the annual United Way campaign held in November 2016, Smurfit Kappa employees contributed a total of $20,660.92 to the Forney Area United Way.
On Tuesday night, City Manager James Fisher led a discussion concerning the proposed Wynne Jackson development, which will be located on the Whaley Tract.
KAUFMAN COUNTY— Two people were killed and two children were injured in a crash in Kaufman Count, accoding to an announcement from WFAA-TV.
The Forney City Council held two public hearings Tuesday evening, March 7. They held their first regular meeting of March with all Council members present.
NO. 2
March 1, 2017)— All eligible blood donors are encouraged to give blood and help save lives in March, Red Cross Month. Donating is easier than ever with the Blood Donor App and RapidPass.
From left to right: Cassidy Schubert (2nd in her weight classification), Bailey Crocker (2nd in her weight classification), Morgan Lowry (1st in her weight classification) and Katy Williams (1st in
From left to right, front row: Raye Hansen, Nancy Oates (Linda Jones’ sister), Linda and Barry Jones (Clay’s parents), Sandy Cook (Head Forney Girls’ Track & Cross Country Coach), and Tommie Ma
FORNEY, TX—On Februar y 19, 2017, Forney police responded to a “shots fired’ call in the area of Austin Street and Trinity Street.
The Forney Lady Rabbits’ powerlifting team took 1st place at the Jackrabbit Invitational Powerlifting Meet at Forney High School this past Saturday Feb. 18
FORNEY, Texas—The Forney Independent School District (ISD) has announced the appointment of a new principal for Warren Middle School. On Wednesday, Feb.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 936, Forney, TX 75126
Physical Address: 201 W. Broad St., Forney, TX 75126
Phone: 972-564-3121
Fax: 972-552-3599